Downloading & installing is problematic. The exe installer just extracts an .msi so you can't use xp compatibility on it. I couldn't find any way to trick msiexec.exe to install the .msi either.
But, if you have a copy of XP installed somewhere... you are in luck! Just copy PowerCalc.exe from \windows\system32 to vista somewhere, then create a shortcut and modify to run in xp compatibility mode.

This does not work with Server 2008 :(
I *hate* calc.exe now...
works great!
doesn't work with vista x64 this is only intended for 32bit OS
It does run on Vista64 - i run it there regularly. Follow the instructions above - it runs fine.
Just try to copy and run it from different place/drive.
speedcrunch is even better! thanks, didn't know there was a windows version...
speedcrunch is great
I liked powertoys because it did the history of the functions and you could see the function you were writing. No need for it anymore, thanks
speedcrunch works fine is light and make a great upgrate for the clasic calc, but crash a lot. nothing is perfect
The PowerToy Calc works fine in Vista 64. I put it loose in C:\Program Files, set the executible to compatible with XP SP2, then ran it. When the message came up about compatibility, I told it to run anyway and not show that message again. Then I made a shortcut, stuck it in my Start Menu and it's been running just fine ever since!
How I got it in vista x64 without stealing from an XP install:
1. Download installer-
2. Run installer in XP compatibility
3. It will add the file C:\Windows\Downloaded Installations\Calculator Powertoy for Windows XP.msi before failing to install
4. Then open that file with 7zip, then in that open the file in 7zip again
5. Extract the exe, place it where your want it and set it for XP compatibility
Thanks Funylilman, works great!
waoooo .... thanks Funylilman .. it work.....
Worked for me, thank you.
Anybody know how to make PowerCalc work on Windows 7 (32bit) - I've tried compatibility mode and such, but absolutely no luck :-(
Yes, it works under Windows 7 64 bit as well. I did essentially what Funylilman said to do up to step 3. I then put the msi in compatibility mode (Run as Previous Version of Windows) and ran the msi. When warned I clicked Run Program. The installer wants to put the install in the 64 bit area, which won't work. Instead use C:\Program Files (x86). Then go in after the install completes and use Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode.
Why would I want this calc when Win7 has so many nice calcs? I like the history feature and particularly the function graphing. Speedcrunch doesn't do graphing it appears.
Works great Funylilman!
As a side note, 7Zip can be found at:
Thank you Funylilman. It seems to work without any problems.
For Windows 7, just run as admin.
Hello all of you, try SpeedCrunch :-), its just the same if not better
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